
This is a list of all scientific talks that I have given in the past. As long as you give me credit for it, feel free to re-use any of the slides in your own talks.


National Observatory of Japan, Tokyo, Japan
December 2024 - N-body Simulations of Planetary Systems
Rogue Worlds 2024, Osaka, Japan
December 2024 - The role of sub-stellar flybys in sculpting the Solar System
Yale University New Haven, Connecticut
December 2023 - Accelerating a single N-body simulation with 8 particles using AVX512 instructions
exoVAST Seminar Series (online)
November 2023 - Accelerating a single N-body simulation with 8 particles using AVX512 instructions
Slides (PDF)
Toronto, CITA Planet Day
August 2023 - How to integrate the Solar System for 5 Gyr in 1 day
Slides (PDF)
Aspen Center for Physics
March 2023 - White dwarf pollution and numerical methods to simulate planetary systems coupled with stellar evolution
Rochester, New York
March 2023 - Simulating planetary systems - Newton's law of gravity, machine learning, and everything in-between
Slides (PDF)
CPT Conference (Tübingen, Germany)
August 2022 - Planet migration and resonances (keynote)
Slides (PDF)
Canada Planet Discussion Day (University of Victoria, virtual)
June 2021 - N-body dynamics (review)
NRC Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Centre (colloquium, virtual)
March 2021 - Chaos, Instability, and Machine Learning
York University (virtual)
February 2021 - Chaos, Instability, and Machine Learning
Exoplanets Orbits and Dynamics, University of Liege, Belgium (virtual)
January 2021 - Orbital Dynamics with REBOUND
Slides (Jupyter notebook)
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA), Toronto
February 2020 - Blackboard Talk on Embedded Operator Splitting Methods
University of Zuerich, Switzerland
February 2020 - Some recent work on long term integrations of planetary systems
University of Tuebingen, Germany
January 2020 - Some recent work on long term integrations of planetary systems
Slides (PDF, 11 MB)
University of Birmingham, UK
November 2019 - Recent advances in algorithms for long term integrations of planetary systems
DAMTP, Cambridge, UK
November 2019 - Recent advances in algorithms for long term integrations of planetary systems
Slides (PDF, 8 MB)
Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, UK
November 2019 - How to make your scientific codes publicly available
Planets, Stars and Discs, A Golden Age for Particle and Gas Dynamics, Oxford, UK
July 2018 - N-Body simulations of planetary systems
Exoplanets II, Cambridge, UK
July 2018 - Mass bias in TTV systems
Queens University (Ontario), Invited talk (colloquium)
November 2017 - Exploring Long-term Stability of Planetary Systems with New Numerical Tools
Slides (PDF, 3 MB)
Northwestern University (Chicago), Invited talk (colloquium)
October 2017 - Exploring Long-term Stability of Planetary Systems with New Numerical Tools
University of Las Vegas (Nevada), Invited talk (colloquium)
September 2017 - Exploring Long-term Stability of Planetary Systems with New Numerical Tools
Numerical Integration Methods in Planetary Sciences, Toronto
July 2017 - Reproducible Integrations with the Simulation Archive
Numerical Integration Methods in Planetary Sciences, Toronto
July 2017 - Time reversible integrations with Janus
Aspen Center for Physics (Aspen, CO)
March 2017 - Exploring Long-term Stability of Planetary Systems with New Numerical Tools
Interactive Slides (ipynb, on github)
McMaster University (Hamilton, Canada)
November 2016 - An inconvenient truth about biosignatures on Earth-like exoplanets
Slides (PDF, 3 MB)
University of Western Ontario (London, ON, Canada)
November 2016 - Simulating the Solar System for 10 billion years
Slides (PDF, 12 MB)
Yale University (New Haven, CT)
October 2016 - Simulating the Solar System for 10 billion years
McMaster University (Hamilton, Canada)
November 2015 - An inconvenient truth about biosignatures on Earth-like exoplanets
Slides (PDF, 3 MB)
University of Toronto, Numerical Analysis Seminar, Computer science (Toronto, Canada)
April 2015 - (Non)-Symplectic Integrations of the Solar System
University of Toronto, Mississauga (Toronto, Canada)
February 2015 - An inconvenient truth about biosignatures on Earth-like exoplanets
University of Toronto, Planet and Star Formation (Toronto, Canada)
January 2015 - Hands-on session with REBOUND and IAS15
International Space University (Montreal, Canada)
June 2014 - Exoplanet Experts Panel
Slides (PDF, 3 MB)
Universitaet Tuebingen (Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany)
June 2014 - An inconvenient truth about biosignatures on Earth-like exoplanets
Cornell University Astrophysics Colloquium (Ithaca, New York)
March 2014 - An inconvenient truth about biosignatures on Earth-like exoplanets
University of Toronto, Planet and Star Formation (Toronto, Canada)
March 2014 - An inconvenient truth about biosignatures on Earth-like exoplanets
Large-Scale Simulations of Planetary Systems (Kobe, Japan)
August 2013 - Discussion: Open Source in Astrophysics
Large-Scale Simulations of Planetary Systems (Kobe, Japan)
August 2013 - The case for stochastic orbital migration
Slides (PDF, 6 MB)
University of Toronto, St George (Toronto, Canada)
March 2013 - 1) The case for stochastic orbital migration 2) Open Exoplanet Catalogue
Slides (PDF, 10 MB)
University of Toronto, Scarborough (Toronto, Canada)
March 2013 - Multi-planetary systems
Slides (PDF, 10 MB)
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (Toronto, Canada)
March 2013 - The case for stochastic orbital migration
Slides (PDF, 7 MB)
University of Tuebingen (Tuebingen, Germany)
March 2013 - Junior Group Leader Selection Symposium - Formation of multiplanetary systems
Slides (PDF, 5 MB)
Niels Bohr Institute (Copenhagen, Denmark)
February 2013 - 1) Formation of multiplanetary systems 2) Open Exoplanet Catalogue
Slides (PDF, 9 MB)
Exoplanets in Multi-body Systems in the Kepler Era (Aspen, CO)
February 2013 - 1) One at a time or all at once: Simulating the formation of Kepler systems 2) Open Exoplanet Catalogue
Slides (PDF, 1.7 MB)
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Pasadena, CA)
July 2012 - Formation of multi-planetary systems - success and failure of planetary migration theory
Slides (PDF, 11 MB)
Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)
July 2012 - How to get a particle simulation running on your computer in 30 seconds. (+Science)
Slides (PDF, 5 MB)
Gloucester County College (Sewell, NJ)
April 2012 - The formation of multi-planetary systems
Slides (PDF, 11 MB)
Northwestern University (Chicago)
March 2012 - 1. Multi-planetary systems, 2. Saturn's Rings, 3.The collisional N-body code REBOUND
Slides (PDF, 12 MB)
Center for Planetary Science (Kobe, Japan)
March 2012 - The collisional N-body code REBOUND and three applications to Saturn's Rings
Slides (PDF, 4 MB)
Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo, Japan)
March 2012 - 1. Multi-planetary systems, 2. Saturn's Rings, 3.The collisional N-body code REBOUND
Slides (PDF, 12 MB)
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Tokyo, Japan), Informal discussion
March 2012 - The collisional N-body code REBOUND
Slides (PDF, 1 MB)
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Tokyo, Japan)
March 2012 - Formation of resonant Multi-planetary systems
Slides (PDF, 12 MB)
CEA Saclay (Paris, France)
January 2012 - 1. Multi-planetary systems, 2. Saturn's Rings, 3. The collisional N-body code REBOUND
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD)
January 2012 - 1. Multi-planetary systems, 2. Saturn's Rings, 3. The collisional N-body code REBOUND
Slides (PDF, 11 MB)
McGill University (Montreal, Canada)
November 2011 - Multi-planetary systems, Saturn's Rings and the collisional N-body code REBOUND
Slides (PDF, 12 MB)
University of Rochester (New York)
November 2011 - Multi-planetary systems, Saturn's Rings and the collisional N-body code REBOUND
Slides (PDF, 12.8 MB)
Franklin Institute, Rittenhouse Astronomical Society (Philadelphia)
November 2011 - Dynamics of extra-solar planets
Slides (PDF, 8.6 MB)
University of Florida (Gainesville)
October 2011 - Multi-planetary systems, moonlets in Saturn's Rings and REBOUND
Slides (PDF, 12 MB)
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI, Baltimore)
September 2011 - Dynamical evolution of multi-planetary systems and moonlets in Saturn's Rings
Slides (PDF, 15 MB)
ISIMA Seminars, KIAA (Beijing, China)
July 2011 - Migration of moonlets in Saturn's Rings + Bonus: symplectic integrators
Slides (PDF, 5 MB)
ISIMA Conference, KIAA (Beijing, China)
July 2011 - Exoplanets, migration, turbulence, resonances and inclined orbits
Slides (PDF, 8 MB)
American Museum of Natural History (New York)
October 2010 - The effects of stochastic forces on planetary systems and Saturn's rings
Slides (PDF, 13 MB)
MPIA (Heidelberg, Germany)
September 2010 - The effects of stochastic forces on planetary systems and Saturn's rings
Slides (PDF, 12 MB)
Evolving Theory for Planet Formation (Ishigaki, Okinawa, Japan)
June 2010 - Stochastic migration in Saturn's rings
Slides (PDF, 9 MB)
Informal Astrophysical Seminar (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
January 2010 - Multi-planetary systems, turbulence and Saturn's Rings
Astrophysical Lunch Seminar (Cambridge, England)
January 2010 - Multi-planetary systems, turbulence and Saturn's Rings
Dynamics of Discs and Planets: Isaac Newton Institute (Cambridge, England)
September 2009 - On the Validity of the Super-Particle Approximation of Planetesimals in Simulations of Gravitational Collapse
PDF slides and video
DAMTP Fluids Seminar (Cambridge England)
May 2009 - From Dust to Planets
Exoplanets and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity (Keauhou, Hawaii)
March 2009 - On the Formation of Multi-planetary Systems in Turbulent Disks
Slides (PDF, 4MB)
Planet Formation and Evolution: The Solar System and Extrasolar Planets (Tuebingen, Germany)
March 2009 - On the Formation of Multi-planetary Systems in Turbulent Disks
Slides (PDF, 4MB)
Astrophysical Lunch Seminar (Cambridge, England)
October 2008 - Turbulence and Mean Motion Resonances
5th Part III Return Conference (Cambridge, England)
April 2008 - In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.